Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A New Beginning..

Some of you may know me, some of you may not. You may remember me at: Yes, I created a new account. I tried to import my blog, but that didn't really work I decided to just create a totally different one with a new account. Call me OCD, but I couldn't stand seeing it on the main page. I like just having one blog at a time, to just focus on it. And my earlier posts on my old blog were really irritating me. I think differently now. Like I didn't used to believe in love...but now it's basically all I can think about. I still have my trust issues, and I still like him. Nothing is going to be really different from my old one, just my ideas will be different and I won't post much on my monotonous day. Or I'll at least try not to. (;

I'll make a better post tomorrow. :)



3 comment(s):

Ali said...

COOL new blog Victoria! I Love it!

Unknown said...

bahaha. this is entertaining.

love gets you nowhere. so your gmail an find out why.


stupid ramblings of mine said...

You are moving all the time and playing with my emotions :(. haha im kidding.. As long as you dont just leave for good.. thats the important thing.